
I have been recently migrated to Excel 2007 from Excel 2003, on Windows XP.

I have spreadsheet that uses INDEX MATCH functions with ISNA to refer to another spreadsheet (which was originally Excel 2003 and later saved to Excel 2007).

I have this formula =IF(ISNA(INDEX('EOFY1112 AP INQ.xlsx'!$E:$E,MATCH(J161,J:J,FALSE),1)),"",INDEX('EOFY1112 AP INQ.xlsx'!$E:$E,MATCH(J161,J:J,FALSE),1)) which works fine except for the last few rows of the master spreadsheet. The last 6 rows returns 00-January-1900 whereas there should be corresponding dates. For ex: my invoice no 25489 should have the corresponding date 29-MAY-2012 whereas the formula gives 00-JAN-1900.

Can someone please tell me why the formula works fine foe the 95% of the spreadsheet and returns 00-JAN-1900 for the bottom few rows only.

Is there a way to correct this. Please help.
