Dear Experts ,
This may be a quickie for most ,
Please see attached files "Input " -what we shall have and Output- what i basically want
In Input file spreadsheet attached , you shall observe that in Column E that there are identical values in both lowercase as well as uppercase ,
For example,in column E there may be value "ran" -I.E Lowercase and then again "RAN" i.e Uppercase ,similarly there may be a value "edn" and then again EDN ,
To understand what i want ,you can now see attached file "Output "
I want all lowercase values to be converted to uppercase values so that all identicall values are UPPERCASE ,
atached output sheet ,...basically in above example ,i want ran to be converted to "RAN" and edn to be converted to "EDN" so that we only have distinct "RAN " AND "EDN" AND no lowercase values ...for the converted lower to upper,i want the values to have a color (say brown like in attached output sheet ) so that i know which values have actually got converted ....
Also for Column E when there are blank cells ,i want cell G for that row to be copied into Cell E -Mostly this value shall be "NOT FOUND " as can be observed from the attached output sheet ,
All this i want in a seperate tab so that i can compare the final result from the actual result and see/study the difference ,
Thanks in advance to anyone attempting to solve this ,
Regards ,
Amlan Dutta