Esker Point Beach Volleyball League 2012.xlsx

I have a 10 week schedule where Teams are referenced by numbers instead of names on one row, and the row below them are the number of wins. In this particular spreadsheet there are 5 different courts that a team can play on, and every week can be a different court.

I know how to do a VLOOKUP for the team #, but how do I then get the cell value directly below that contains the number of wins. I would also need to know the number of games played in that court for that week.

I may be approaching this entirely wrong, but I started by breaking it down to smaller pieces, total of games won every week(long tedious process) and total number of games played. It's best out of 3, weather permitting, so there may be some weeks were only 1 or 2 games are played.

Playoffs are determined by win pct. and not total wins.

I've attached a sheet with what I have started.

Any help will be much appreciated.