I've been using a spreadsheet template which I found on YouTube to try and do a similar thing with my own workbook. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bGKhbUYOas
The problem is (see the screenshot at the bottom), on the far left column, the top row is fine, it is pulling in the data housed in another worksheet. However, when I drag it down to the other cells, it does not display any data, it shows a #NUM! error instead. There should be 84 records which match the criteria "Arsenal Aston Villa League". It is only displaying one of the results, with the subsequent rows displaying a #NUM! error.
Here's the formula for the second cell of the far left column:
As you can see, the variable 'J17' changes +1 for each cell, yet only the top one works.
Any help appreciated. Thanks.