I have to deal with data exported in comma delimited ascii format. When the software exports, it sends commas in with numbers. This creates a scenario where a row might have 1 number cell if the number is less than 1,000 and two number cells if the number is 1,000 or greater. For example, the number 25 would be contained in one cell while the number 5250 would be split across two cells. One with 5 and one with 250. Is there a reasonable way to create an if statement to merge cells in a row based on the total number of cells with data on that row? For example, if the row has 3 cells with data nothing would happen. But if the row has 4, it would automatically merge the numbers on that row in cell B and C. If it had 5 cells on that row, it would automatically merge cells B C and D.
Thank you so much for your help!