I appologize if this is a simple fix but I've tried a few different functions and for some reason I cannot seem to wrap my brain around this one.

I am attempting to create a spreadhseet where the user picks Wins and Losses of each game for the football team. In Column A it lists the OPPONENT and in Column C it lists the RESULT (user-input). I've got the Wins and Losses couting at the bottom by using the COUNTIF function (=COUNTIF(C8:C20,"win"). Now I need to count the number of wins and losses ONLY IF its is a conference game to return each teams conference record. So I need the formula to take the same COUNTIF function used to calculate wins and losses, but to somehow recognize only the twelve conference teams and return the numbers of wins and losses IF its one of the conference teams. I can attached what I have thus far if needed. Thanks in advance for the help!