I want to have my sheet to automatic enter a specific text every month start, and every month 19th, I would appreciate any help
I want to have my sheet to automatic enter a specific text every month start, and every month 19th, I would appreciate any help
You're going to have to elaborate. You want the spreadsheet to display certain text if you open it on the first of the month? Or you have a list of dates and you want text besides each first of the month? Or... ?
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I have few expenses coming from my bank account every month 1st and every month 19th, currently I have to record them manually . I want my expenses sheet to record those expenses automatic at these dates with worry about forget to record them , so I have a cell recording today’s date , but I want to know how can do the rest, thanks
set =IF(AND(DAY(TODAY())=19,DAY(TODAY())=1),"HEY HI","")
else if you have a list of dates you can simply check using if
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I want the sheet to record the info in the attched sheet at the dates in E2, and E3 for every month
It could have been better to understand if you provide column heading
= Vlookup(Record, array that contains record, array of data to be recorded)
See if this works for you.
Change the 19 to 21(todays date) to see how this works.
this one some how works, but I will need to ente data on the 1st differnt from the 19th,
Do you mean?
In one Column>>>>>=IF(DAY(TODAY())=21,"Record","")
In Second Column>>>>>=IF(DAY(TODAY())=1,"Record","")
this is actually what I am looking for, but once the today date changed how can i keep the data
Normally, we have to wait until Tomorrow to be sure 100%, that my way, works for you.
But in the meantime take a look to the example and study this.
In this way of formula, you have to handle The Circular reference. See, how, here.
and once today date is not 1st or 19th, the data will be disappeared
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