I can't see the advantage of having the data all in one cell and I'm not aware of a way do do this as you request. I considered merging the three cells below and then narrowing the width and then formatting alignment and wrapping text but that would not work with the long text string for reason 93652.
From an Excel point of view it would be much better to have the results in the three cells I8,9 &10 and separate the formula to these.
=IF(ISNA(MATCH($I$5,Data1!$E$4:$E$100,0)),"No such code",$I$5)
=IF(ISNA(MATCH($I$5,Data1!$E$4:$E$100,0))," ",VLOOKUP($I$5,Data1!$E$4:$G$8,2,FALSE)
=IF(ISNA(MATCH($I$5,Data1!$E$4:$E$100,0))," ",VLOOKUP($I$5,Data1!$E$4:$G$8,3,FALSE)