Hi and welcome to the forum.

The function that most suits your needs is VLOOKUP which finds the input in I5 and then it looks down the list in Data1 until it finds what is in I5 and then returns the answer depending on which column you have chosen. Your case is a little more complicated because you want all the related data and the original lookup value and a message if the input is not found. This combines everything you asked for. Paste it into I8 and search with input in I5.
=IF(ISNA(MATCH($I$5,Data1!$E$4:$E$100,0)),"No such code",$I$5&" "&VLOOKUP($I$5,Data1!$E$4:$G$8,2,FALSE)&" "&VLOOKUP($I$5,Data1!$E$4:$G$8,3,FALSE))
I hope I understood correctly.

