Hey everyone,
I have a spreadsheet that basically manages the schedule of a hockey tournament. What I'd like to accomplish is 2 basic things (all in different sheets, same workbook):
1.) Schedule with scores
2.) Standings that update based on the inputted scores in the schedule
The schedule is basically all set, but I want to know how to manage the standings page.
The standings will have 4 different divisions (North, East, South, West) each with 4 teams (teams identified by numbers 1-16).
Each win is 2 points, a tie is 1 point, and a loss is 0 points. I would like to have a standings page that will take the scores from the schedule page and, with a formula, update all the information on the standings page. I'm okay with creating a macro to automatically sort, but I need help with the formula part of determining what happens on the standings page with a win, loss, and a tie.
My biggest problem is this: I'm familiar with basic IF functions, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to arrange everything in a simple schedule format that would translate well to the standings page.
For example, I have split up each team's schedule based on the full schedule. So one sheet will have the master schedule (which I want the guys running the tournament to input final scores and THAT'S IT!). The other sheet has the list of teams and their games. One column is their score for Team 1 Game 1, and the other column is Opponent Score. The result in the third column is just an IF function---IF(ISBLANK(A1),"",(IF(A1>A2,"Win",(IF(A1=A2, "Tie", "Loss")))))
My problem is that I have no way to draw from this information and update the standings page. I'd like it so that it does the math automatically, where if a result =Win, then add a 1 to the win column. Same goes for everything else. The Points column in the standings page is a simple formula that takes the win column * 2, and tie column * 1 and adds it together.
Can anyone help me with this? I've tried looking at FIFA templates, since those seem to be the only ones available online. However, they don't factor in ties and what not.
Any help is much appreciated at this point!