Hello Excel Experts,

The objective is to return a vlookup value from a merge cell. Column A contains the "lookup_value", and Column B is the value that needs to return. Please note that Column B MAY or MAY NOT be merged. If it's Merged, I will have a '[Merged]' written beside the value, and the following row(s) will have just have the word '[Merged with x]' where x is the row that it merges with. Below is a simple data.

Col A Col B
1 ABC Red
2 BCD White
3 CDE Yellow [Merged]
4 DEF [Merged with 3]
5 EFG [Merged with 3]

So assuming if I were to do a vlookup, I would like to return the value of Column B with the lookup_value of row 4 and 5 (DEF and EFG) to return as "Yellow"