I've had a friend contact me who I go to school with (Electromechanical engineering tech), he is currently working for a company that uses an extensive excel sheet but they want to make some changes, and so contacted me because I happen to know a thing or two about excel......but this might be beyond my capabilities if it's possible at all.
For security reasons I cannot disclose the excel sheet.

So as I understand it, they want to keep the prices from the vendors updated. As it goes right now, a customer wants to buy Product A, which for the sake of argument consists of two parts component 1 and component 2.

Component 1 comes from awesomeVendor
Component 2 comes from ExcellentSales

So we pull up the spread sheet, enter quantity of each part and it shows the pricing and total (it goes far beyond this, but this is where we are at now)

Now heres where it gets time consuming. We now need to call awesomeVendor, and ExcellentSales and confirm that the price we have on file for component 1 and component 2 match the vendors current pricing. Once confirmed, we hit print and our invoice is done.

They want to cut out the phone calls. When the spreadsheet is opened the prices of component 1 and component 2 should always reflect the vendors current price.

Is this possible? and would it, as I suspect, require the vendor to have some sort of system in place to get this information from?

I'm looking for just about any and all options to achieve this goal that could be available.