E4 - begin date
F4 - # of weeks
G4 - # of weeks x 7 (will be a hidden column)
H4 - end date - formulated cell: =IF((E4>0),SUM(E4+G4)-1," ")
I4 - this cell I want to populate with "Notify PT" when certain conditions apply.

This is the formula I have in I4:
=IF(AND(F4<>"",$F$1=H4-10,F5=0),"Notify PT",IF(AND(F4<>"",$F$1=H4-9,F5=0),"Notify PT",IF(AND(F4<>"",$F$1=H4-8,F5=0),"Notify PT",IF(AND(F4<>"",$F$1=H4-7,F5=0),"Notify PT",IF(AND(F4<>"",$F$1=H4-6,F5=0),"Notify PT",IF(AND(F4<>"",$F$1=H4-5,F5=0),"Notify PT",IF(AND(F4<>"",$F$1=H4-4,F5=0),"Notify PT",IF(AND(F4<>"",$F$1=H4-3,F5=0),"Notify PT",IF(AND(F4<>"",$F$1=H4-2,F5=0),"Notify PT",IF(AND(F4<>"",$F$1=H4-1,F5=0),"Notify PT"," "))))))))))

It works fine when I enter dates and numbers into E4 and F4, but when they're blank, I keep getting #VALUE.

It's probably something really simple but I've played around with it and I can't get #VALUE to go away.

Thank you so much for your help with this!!