I've created an IF statement where I want to put people into 6 and then 12 month categories from when they started their job. For example, if they started on 10/06/2012 then they should be in 0-6 month category. So the statement I wrote was....
the statement then continues with subsequent dates. The formula returrns with FALSE for a reason I can't work out and has an error saying
Text Date with 2-Digit Year
Convert XX to 19XX
Convert XX to 20XX
I've changed the dates in the formula and B2 to 2 digit years but still it doesn't work. In the end I resorted to replacing the Dates with their Number equivalent and it has worked but it's something I'll need to do again in the future so would like to be able to do it without resorting to that!
Also, once the formulae with the numbers worked, I copied and pasted special Values into a new worksheet. For some reason the cells with 12-24 are returning the same "Text Date with 2-Digit Year" error, even though cell is formatted as text and it doesnt do it for any of the others - 0-6, 6-12, 24-36, 36-48.
Can't get my head round it so any assistance greatly received!