I have two sheets:

Item Item Description Qty Amount Brand Cost
000892 Samco Hose Clamp kit, CBR600RR 07-11 1.00 28.00 Samco
003767 GILLES ACM SAFETY LOCK-18MM 1.00 65.21 Gilles
004964 BST Carbon Fiber Wheel Set; CBR1000RR 04-07 1.00 3117.67 BST Wheels
005 Spectro Platinum 4 Full Synthetic, 15W50, 1 Liter 4.00 33.76 Spectro Oil

and Cost
Item Source Name Item Description Qty Cost Price
000892 OPP Racing Samco Hose Clamp kit, CBR600RR 07-11 1.00 28.00
002229 OPP Racing LighTech Frame Sliders with Magnesium Pucks (No Cut) CBR954 1.00 65.77
003767 OPP Racing GILLES ACM SAFETY LOCK-18MM 1.00 65.21
004724 OPP Racing LighTech Adjustable Rearsets with Folding Foot Pegs GSXR600/750 01-05 1.00 408.77
004745 OPP Racing LighTech Toe Peg for Brake and Clutch Levers RFTR52 1.00 16.77

I want to match the items in column A (Item) on the cost sheet to column A on the sales sheet. If there is a match, I want to insert the corresponding value in column E (Cost Price) on the cost sheet, to column F(Cost) on the sales sheet.

I have been playing with this for quite some time now, is there an easy way to do this?
