To do as you ask is not difficult, several lookup functions can be used, I tend to use INDEX() & MATCH().
In F2
Drag/Fill Down
However this reveals some interesting points.
1/. In several cases the figure from Sheet"Cost" doesn't match the value in Sheet"Sales" Amount (Flagged FALSE in Column G:G)
2/, Assuming that "Amount" is a total cost, if you divide by "Qty" in Column I:I you should get a Unit Cost.
3/. Comparing this to Column F we still get several mis-matches (Flagged FALSE in Column J:J)
This indicates that sheet "Sales" has costs based on a different time period i.e. old and new prices.
Perhaps even the same product from different suppliers.
If the sheets are filtered on Item "006", you'll see what I mean.
4/. Several Codes have no match, #N/A.
What should be done to allow for this?