I want to search for the 1st number 1 imediate above the number 4 in the same column. (please see the attached file)
I've tried VLOOKUP but it only functions UP-DOWN and not DOWN-UP....
Can anyone help me?
I want to search for the 1st number 1 imediate above the number 4 in the same column. (please see the attached file)
I've tried VLOOKUP but it only functions UP-DOWN and not DOWN-UP....
Can anyone help me?
Good day,
Instead of using the Vlookup, use a combination of INDEX & MATCH functions to obtain the result. Please refer attached.
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I think i didn't explain myself correctly...what i want is the position of the number 1, or its address...
So i want to search for the 1st number "1" imediate above the number 4.
You should provide an example that better shows what your data may look like - the sample you provided would just need a MATCH() performed on the range of numbers.
If there a no equals, this one wil do.
If there are no equals, this one will do.
Array confirmed with Shift Ctrl Enter
Thank you very much to both.
I've tested both versions and they don't quite do it well.
I've attached the file with both oeldere and jason.b75 versions and with more extended data that we can test it better.
Can you take a look at it please?
Last edited by mqdias; 06-20-2012 at 04:42 AM.
Try this array formula (confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter)
Last edited by Cutter; 06-20-2012 at 07:16 AM. Reason: Added 2nd version of formula
Cutter, those formula both appear to take the location of the last cell with a value of 1 as long as at least one cell = 4, not the last cell with a value of 1 above the last cell with a value of 4 (see posts #1 and #3)
Best effort from me so far is
Array confirmed.
Dear jason.b75,
I've tried it several times and it appears to work fine, but for me is very very complex...i analised avery step but i couldn't understand the logic behing this...
OK, if you think you can explain quickly what is the logic i'll appretiate it, but if not i am pleased already with the solution you gave!
Thanks very much!
I found an error using it: whe you cut/paste the matrix with the values in another place, it returns an error #REF.....
Can you try this please??
It's much the same as
But C3:C19 is replaced with C3:INDEX($C$3:$C$19,MAX(IF($C$3:$C$19=4,ROW($C$3:$C$19)-2)))
which resizes the range to "C3:last cell with 4" so that any cell with a value of 1 after the last cell with 4 are excluded. The MAX(IF()) part returns the last row with value of 4, the -2 is a correction factor as the data starts in row 3 of the sheet.
The error is probably coming from pasting to different rows, linking the correction factor to the top row of data should fix it.
Last edited by jason.b75; 06-20-2012 at 01:02 PM.
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