Hi All
My formula (as shown in the picture attached: untitled.jpg) copies the value from the green highlighted cell and adds an "-" and the cell value in column H. This runs for an unspecified amount of rows until a new value in column C appears.
My formula should now adapt and use the value in C567 instead of C536 for the forthcomming rows (after the yellow row 567) in column I, but as you can see it obviously doesnt. The values are still copied from C536.
Can you help on how I should rewrite the formula so it "updates" the cell-number from which it should copy the value?
NOTE: It is not allowed to add a new formula in a new column/row in this very sheet, however sheet 2 and 3 are possible to use.
Let me know if there is any confusion or information needed to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.