Hi everyone, thank you in advance for your help. I hope I can explain this clearly enough to get a response.
I have a spreadsheet with column A - all dates. Column B is a numerical value. I want to be able to enter in today's value in one cell at the very top of the spreadsheet, and have it automatically entered next to today's date in column B. For example, if today (6/18/12) I entered in the number 500 in the one cell at the top, I want it to automatically enter the numerical value 500 next to 6/18/12 in column B below. Tomorrow (6/19/12) I want to be able to enter a different number, let's say 550, in the one cell at the top, and have it automatically entered next to 6/19/12 in column B below. I want the previous day's value to remain unchanged.
Any suggestions??
Thanks again!