Hi, i am new on here and really need help
I have used excel for many years but never knew just how clever it could be! Although i fear i cannot use it properly and am now very stuck and it is probably an easy fix :S
Ok here goes....
I have 2 sheets, both identical, sheet 1 has a price list in euro, sheet 2 is the exact same price list but each cell contains the formula to convert from euro to £'s sheet1!D16*0.82
Now all I want to do is round up the result of this formula to the nearest 50p (eg £5.12 = £5.50, £1.57 = £2.00)
Is this possible? The only way I can manage at the moment is to use another cell and use ceiling =CEILING(D16,0.5) but ideally i want the figure rounding in the original box after the sum has been made.....
Is there any one who can help me? Please? I will be eternally grateful
Many thanks
tired and confused me