Firstly let me apologise if this seems like a very simple formula to complete but I just can’t seem to get it right.
I've got two separate sets of information set up in the following way
The first set of information tells me;
Column A- Who the clients are
Column B- What their month to date numbers are
Column C- What they are forecasted to achieve come the end of the month
Column D- % Forcast vs May Actual numbers
Column F- The same set of clients but in a different order based on the figures in G
Column G- The previous months numbers for the clients in column F
I've attached a sheet to show better show how my sheet is set up.
The clients in column A are arranged in alphabetical order and in column F we have the same clients but their order is based on their final numbers in the previous month.
In cell D1 I would like to divide the number in cell C1 against the corresponding value in the G column. With the clients names being in a different order in column F I’ve tried the following formula but all I get back is #REF!
I realise that the quickest way to do this would be to arrange the two sets of data to match in alphabetical order but for other work I’m doing on the sheet this does not suit my needs and I need the columns arranged the way they are.
Can anyone help me with this?