I need some help with some stuff I find rather complicated. I am not good at Excel whatsoever.
I have an Excel workbook with Sheet1 as a mealplan with five meals a day for a week. I want Excel to do the calculations for me, but I cannot seem to get it to do that. Here is the workbook I am currently working on so you can see how I think.
Ukentlig Måltidskalender NY FOR Å TESTE UTREGNING.xls
I want to be able to write lets the things that is written. 4 eggs, 100 grams of broccoli and so on (it's norwegian). Then I want the spreadsheet to know what nutritional data is in an egg (that will of course be stated, lets say in another spreadsheet), and fill in that accordingly in the protein, fat, carb and calories cells underneath. When I add broccoli on the next line and state 100 grams, or 200, I want it to know what the nutrition data is, and add that to the protein for the eggs and so on. If I remove the eggs I want the nutritional data from only the eggs to be subtracted. This way it will be easy for me to make meals and add and remove foods as I like, without have to calculate. I have had the problem that when I am finished with a meal and has manually calculated it, I want to make just a litte change and I have to calculate everything over again...
I want it to be clean and look pretty much like in the picture (actual spreadsheet much bigger, will post picture if needed).