I have an alphanumeric table that I wish to have a vlookup function to derive a score.
Primary Alignment (XX) | Secondary Alignment (YY) | Alignment Value
Any Good | Any Evil | -2
Lawful Good | Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, | +2
Lawful Good | Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good | +1
Lawful Neutral | Lawful Neutral |+3
Lawful Evil | Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral | +2
Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral | Neutral, Neutral Evil | +1
Neutral Good, Neutral | Lawful Neutral | +1
Neutral Evil, Neutral Lawful Neutral +1
There's three columns, xx | yy | Alignment Value
How would I have excel cross reference the first and second column to derive a value from the third column?