here is the code, u can edit based on your spreadsheet
u can crate a button and add this macro
and run when u input any new entry in top clumn, so when u change the entry at different dates then u need to click macro button u created

on the other hand if u donot put values in the same week then with each new entry u can enter date where u want it to go in stead of formula from previoous post

Sub datecopy()

Dim i As Integer

'GIVE 'i' one plus STARTING FROM ROW NUMBER FROM WHERE YOUR DATE BEGINS AND END TO WHEN DATE ENDS(so if your date starts from row 10 then i wld start from 11
'cells(4,3) would be the cell where we get current date when we input new entry
'cells(i,1) and cells(i-1,1) are the consecutive dates that you have

For i = 3 To 50
If Cells(4, 3).Value > Cells(i - 1, 1).Value Then If Cells(4, 3) <= Cells(i, 1) Then Cells(i, 2).Value = Cells(4, 4).Value

End Sub

P.S. please click start but for me if I was helpful