This seems like is should be such a simple thing, but I am stumped...

In a bar graph, I want to display my horizontal axis values along the bottom of the chart instead of at the top. The only way I have found to accomplish this so far is to reverse the order of my vertical axis categories. But for what I'm doing, this isn't an option - I need my categories to stay in their present order from top to bottom; likewise for the series the represent. How can I move my axis values without changing anything else?

That's the basic issue. Here's some background info in case it makes a difference: I have already SUCCESSFULLY created two other bar graphs on the same sheet, with all data in its proper place. So I know this can be done! I have examined and re-examined my data and chart layout options in comparison to the other two, and I can't see any difference. I do need all three charts to be consistent in appearance. Some other things...

- For whatever reason, when I first create any chart, the Categories are displayed from bottom to top (compared to my data source) ... so if my data source rows are named A, B, C - the graph shows them as C (at the top), B, A (at the bottom). So I have selected Axes>Axes>Vertical Axis>Right to Left in order to remedy this. Same for the other two graphs.

- For whatever reason, when I first create any chart, the Series are displayed from right to left (compared to my data source) ... so if my data source columns are named Red, Yellow, Blue - the graph Legend and Data Table displays them as Blue (at the top), Yellow, Red (at the bottom). I resolved this problem the same way as the problem above.

- For both of the above situations, choosing "Right to Left" seems to automatically put my "Categories in Reverse Order" in the Axis Options menu. I guess these options must be mutually inclusive? Whatever the case may be, I still can't undo either one without undoing the other. When they ARE selected, my horizontal axis values are shown at the TOP of the graph. When they are NOT selected, the horizontal axis values are at the BOTTOM. Why can't I have these options selected, and have my horizontal axis values at the bottom?? Keep in mind, all of this is true for the other two graphs I've made on the same sheet, which DO have the horizontal axis values at the BOTTOM like I want.

This is going to make me crazy. Help!