I have a spreadsheet that keeps track of our qualifications. It has a master page where all the info shows up on and a supervisor page for each supervisor(currently 7) on each crew to enter the information on. We have over 30 supervisors that may perform the qualifications, so each supervisor page has a list to choose from in case that particular supervisor did not do it. Currently, I have an IF statement that says if there is a date in my data sheet(pulled off the supervisor's page), then use the cell on the supervisor's page that contains the list to find the name. If there is nothing, it is left blank. Is there a simpler way to look up the name? All the lookup formulas look for a value or something and can only pick prom the cells beside it, so even if I made a new array that made anything greater than zero to come back TRUE, it would only pick from the 7 supervisors, and not from whatever was entered in the cell with the drop down.

This may not make sense.... Basically I want to get away from my if statement to something simpler and that will be able to handle more than 7 arguements. I know there is a way to do it with VBA, but I am even dumber with that than I am some of these formulas.