Hi all,

I am preparing a risk report template (risk analysis) and I ran on a problem.

My table looks like that:

|Risk ID| Description| Probability [%] | Severity [EUR] | Severity [md] | Impact [EUR] | Rank |


Risk ID: is automatically calculated (I am using a formula for that)
Description: is text value
Probability: is a list (using data validation function)
Severity [EUR]: text/number value
Severity [md]: number value
Impact [EUR]: using formula where Probability is multiplied with Severity
Rank: is a conditional formatting formula - based on Impact value

I have a several risks already, and now I would like to add another row. The problem is that if I do that with "insert new row" formulas and conditional formatting is not copied to inserted new row.
Is there any simple way to add a new row where formulas and conditional formatting is automatically copied to inserted row? or column?

Thank you in advance for your help.
