Having some small issues that I am trying to correct while pasting some data from a web page. I have copied a table on a web page and what I want to do is keep the table format with the columns and rows in order but view the data exactly how it is seen on the web page. The problem is in some of the tables there are values like 2-05 which excel thinks is a date and changes it to Feb-5. There are also a handful of columns that have values like -14-15 and excel instead of posting that in the cell changes it to -29. If I paste as text I dont keep the table format. Is there any way to paste as text but keep the table format?

I have tried to copy and paste the data in notepad first and the import but while I keep the formatting correct I lose out on keeping the columns in the data lined up since I have to use the space as the breaking point and there are words in one of the columns that all dont have the same number of spaces. Any help is greatly appreciated.