I am currently cleaning up a document, my document consists of patient names and information address DOB etc... they have duplicate rows for each some contain a different address in the duplicate and some contain the same address in both records.
example: (different address)
jane doe F 11/23/1998 92 Dela Ave Somerset NJ 08873-1614
jane doe F 11/23/1998 93 Highl Ave Somerset NJ 08873-1614
john doe F 1/9/2007 911 Wood Drive North Brunswick NJ
john doe F 1/9/2007 911 Wood Road North Brunswick NJ
How can I highlight all rows with the persons with different address? or highlight the rows with patients same address.. (I dont want to DELETE) i know this function exists but I need to know which ones are being deleted.
HELP please no macros i have no idea how to use them