Dear Forum,
I am using Excel 2010.
I have a workbook with several worksheets that are between the Worksheet "Start" and the Worksheet "End".
All the worksheets in between have similar arrangement, so that in the Worksheet named "Statistics" (which is not in between the two mentioned worksheets), there are statistics formulas, such as: = AVERAGE(Start:End!K2).
I would like a formula in worksheet Statistics that will copy the cell values of cells H72 in worksheets between Start:End and paste them in Column AC, starting in lets say Cell AC1, and continue below.
I would like to use this formula in several other workbooks that have similar arrangement.
The number of worksheets betwee Start:End varies and all their names are different as well.
Hope it can be done with a formula, instead of vba.
I found in the forum a worksheet with the formula that uses INDEX and MATCH, looks at Sheet2, finds a name and copies its valuein Sheet1. I am sorry I can't find again the post where I found this Excel doc in the forum.
Their formula is: =INDEX(START:END!$B$2:$B$10,MATCH(COMPILATION!A2,START:END!$A$2:$A$10,0)) and they copied it and pasted to cells below.
I tried to adapt it: =INDEX(START:END!$B$2:$B$10,MATCH(Statistics!A2,START:END!$A$2:$A$10,0))
but I get error: #VALUE
Maybe this is not the right path to solve it.
I have attached their worksheet with their example in Sheet1 and 2, and what I tried in the Statistics Worksheet and Start and End.
If someone could help me or direct me to the right path I will appreciate it very much