Hi All,
I have this formula and it works in one case, but not in the other. I believe i know why but cannot seem to fix it. here is my first formula:
It is working perfectly, i am looking up a value on another sheet, in this case Pts, and only looking in the first so many rows based on Pts!$M$1. Then next formula i am having a problem, i believe it is because my sheet is not named with one word, it is two. Here is the formula:
=IF($A$3="","",VLOOKUP($A$3&$BM2,INDIRECT("Valid DL!$C$2:$L$"&Valid DL!$M$1),2,FALSE))
I am getting a #name error. I believe it is getting hung up on the bold statement, Valid DL!$M$1, because i cannot have a two word name of a sheet. Although i am not sure if that is the case. Any help would be greatly appretiated. Also i cannot change the name of my sheet because of other stipulations, many macros have that sheet name and i am afraid it would take a little while to change all the macros to a new sheet name. Thanks