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Data Validation - How to display values in CELLS rather than drop-down list?

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  1. #1
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    Data Validation - How to display values in CELLS rather than drop-down list?

    I'm using Data Validation/Dependent Lists to simulate a car finder web application. Make>>Model>>Trim. BUT, I don't want the choices for Trim to display in another drop-down list - How do I get the trims to display in multiple cells instead?

    I tried a very simple INDIRECT(A2) function referencing the "Model" name list and made it an array so that it returns all the trims tagged as that Model. Basically it's a "Results"/"Choices" column that the array was applied to and it fills up after you choose model. The only issue is that all the unused array cells come up as #N/A and I tried error handling code {IF(ISERROR(INDIRECT(A2))),"", INDIRECT(A2)} [I also tried IF(ISNA())] but nothing worked (I have Excel 2003). Also, when there's only one value for the Model, the entire array fills up with the same one value.

    Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something? Do I need to be using something more advanced for this? I'd really appreciate any guidance!!

  2. #2
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation - How to display values in CELLS rather than drop-down list?

    A sample workbook might help visualize and us to test results in advance... please upload a sample.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Data Validation - How to display values in CELLS rather than drop-down list?

    yea I figured that'd probably be helpful, I made one quick right here just using the first technique, let me know if you want me to include the other formulas I've tried: Example1.xls

  4. #4
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation - How to display values in CELLS rather than drop-down list?


    =IF(ISERR(INDEX(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE($C$12," ","")),ROWS($A$12:$A12))),"",INDEX(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE($C$12," ","")),ROWS($A$12:$A12)))

    copied down

  5. #5
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation - How to display values in CELLS rather than drop-down list?

    @ the_intern

    Pls don't send same question twice!



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  6. #6
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    Re: Data Validation - How to display values in CELLS rather than drop-down list?

    Quote Originally Posted by NBVC View Post

    =IF(ISERR(INDEX(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE($C$12," ","")),ROWS($A$12:$A12))),"",INDEX(INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE($C$12," ","")),ROWS($A$12:$A12)))

    copied down
    Thank you so much, I actually arrived at the same thing on my own too once I got pointed in the right direction by others, good to know that I'm getting the hang of it!

    I also got this to work based on others' suggestions: =IF(ROWS($A$1:$A1)<=COUNTA(INDIRECT($C$66)),INDEX(INDIRECT($C$66),ROWS($A$1:$A1)),"")

    I have one question though....does it matter what you choose for the ROWS argument? Like you chose $A$12:$A12, but I tried both $A$1:$A1 and $E$1:$E1, and another member did $E$11:$E11, and all of them did the exact same thing. What's the purpose of that part anyway? I know it acts as a counter, but what's the significance of WHERE you define it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fotis1991 View Post
    @ the_intern

    Pls don't send same question twice!
    lol sorry about that, when I clicked back/refresh or something it reposted the same thing and I couldn't find a way/don't know if there is a way to delete a post

  7. #7
    Forum Expert NBVC's Avatar
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    Re: Data Validation - How to display values in CELLS rather than drop-down list?

    It doesn't really matter as long as the result is 1, and as you copy down, changes to 2, 3, 4, etc...

    Usually for robustness sake, i start my count based on the cell my formula is in... because if you manipulate rows/columns sometimes it messes up the formula and you may even get #REF error...

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