I'm using Data Validation/Dependent Lists to simulate a car finder web application. Make>>Model>>Trim. BUT, I don't want the choices for Trim to display in another drop-down list - How do I get the trims to display in multiple cells instead?

I tried a very simple INDIRECT(A2) function referencing the "Model" name list and made it an array so that it returns all the trims tagged as that Model. Basically it's a "Results"/"Choices" column that the array was applied to and it fills up after you choose model. The only issue is that all the unused array cells come up as #N/A and I tried error handling code {IF(ISERROR(INDIRECT(A2))),"", INDIRECT(A2)} [I also tried IF(ISNA())] but nothing worked (I have Excel 2003). Also, when there's only one value for the Model, the entire array fills up with the same one value.

Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something? Do I need to be using something more advanced for this? I'd really appreciate any guidance!!