I have a spread sheet containing below columns.

1. Date 2. No hours logged 3. Week number 4. Resource name

I am trying sum the number of hours logged for each resource in a particular week.

Following is the sample data

Date Logged HourWeek Num Resource
1/13/12 0.5 2 X
1/16/12 1 3 y
1/19/12 6 3 y
1/19/12 6 3 y
1/20/12 8 3 y
1/20/12 8 3 m
1/25/12 0.75 4 l
1/27/12 0.5 4 l
2/2/12 0.5 5 r
2/1/12 4 5 a
2/3/12 4 5 J
2/3/12 2 5 J
2/6/12 0.75 6 L
2/6/12 6 6 L

The end result should contain one row (remaining can be blank ) with Resource name, Week number and total hours logged in that week.

Can you please help me in getting the right formula to get sum the hours for each resource.
