The below formula works a treat for me when B1 has the value of "AB12CDE34F"
=INDEX('Data Entry - Blast'!$A$8:$BR$65000,IF(B1=Data Entry - Blast'!$A$8:$A$65000,ROW('Data Entry - Blast'!$A$8:$A$65000)-MIN(ROW('Data Entry - Blast'!$A$8:$A$65000))+1,""),COLUMN(A1))
However, my B1 value is really made up of the following: C1 value of "AB", D1 value of "12", E1 value of "CDE", F1 value of "34", G1 value of "F". I want to be able to search by using wildcards like this but it doesn't seem to work.
=INDEX('Data Entry - Blast'!$A$8:$BR$65000,IF(C1&"??"&E1&"*"=Data Entry - Blast'!$A$8:$A$65000,ROW('Data Entry - Blast'!$A$8:$A$65000)-MIN(ROW('Data Entry - Blast'!$A$8:$A$65000))+1,""),COLUMN(A1))