Scenario: Excel file is transmitted to me once a month, it includes the production forecast for the year, past and future. Its been through the ringer, data is very dirty.
Top is a header and column labels, this is consistent.
Hidden by default at the top of the sheet (cells 11-200 currently) is the dirty data, filled with blank rows all over the place for products removed in the past.
below that is the same data with the blank rows removed. This is the data I want to grab.
So the header is easy, reference rows 1-10 across the page and I'm in business.
but the bottom... How do I grab an unknown length of rows, starting at an unknown row?
There is no reference point that I could hope to use, the top left cell varies should the product change. The only possible way for this to work is for the user to identify the proper cell.
I could have the user highlight the cells and paste it over. It is easy, but not elegant.
Or perhaps they could type the starting and ending row number of the range that is desired, use the address function to reference from the anchor point? Since this anchor point does not always change, most months the user would not even need to update this address. Better...
Any other, better ideas that I should consider?