I am seeking to improve my current Excel sports team scoring program by refining my existing scoring and ranking program to see if I can automatically rank tied teams rather than manually and I attach a sample of my worksheet and would be very grateful if anyone can help.
A Win “W” Loss “L” result is entered into the top Results Grid and this data is used to show Played, Wins & Losses in the adjoining columns. A measured average distance figure (LSD) in which the highest figure is dropped (the lower the better) is also entered and can be used as a final criteria to determine ranking after the final game where teams are still “tied.”
I wish to automate the process to avoid entering the final ranking manually in column R after the final game and wonder if it is possible to create a formula that would do this for me. Also I would like to print page 2 after each game with ongoing and final ranking information by creating a macro(s) but is it possible to use excel instead that would automatically carry over the data to the form from game 1 to 7 every time a score is entered and fill in the Final Ranking col only after the last game?
Teams play 8 games and from game 1 to 7 the ranking from top to bottom is based on the following criteria. Teams are ranked according to their win/loss record, if tied the team who have played the lesser number of games ranks ahead, if wins/losses are equal then the lower LSD figure ranks ahead.
After the final game, rankings are then shown in col R as 1st, 2nd, etc. and are based on W/L, record of results between teams and finally if still tied the LSD and these results would then appear on Page 2.
I hope I have explained my problem fully and that someone can help or even give me some suggestions.
Thanking you in anticipation.