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Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

  1. #1
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    Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    I am seeking to improve my current Excel sports team scoring program by refining my existing scoring and ranking program to see if I can automatically rank tied teams rather than manually and I attach a sample of my worksheet and would be very grateful if anyone can help.

    A Win “W” Loss “L” result is entered into the top Results Grid and this data is used to show Played, Wins & Losses in the adjoining columns. A measured average distance figure (LSD) in which the highest figure is dropped (the lower the better) is also entered and can be used as a final criteria to determine ranking after the final game where teams are still “tied.”

    I wish to automate the process to avoid entering the final ranking manually in column R after the final game and wonder if it is possible to create a formula that would do this for me. Also I would like to print page 2 after each game with ongoing and final ranking information by creating a macro(s) but is it possible to use excel instead that would automatically carry over the data to the form from game 1 to 7 every time a score is entered and fill in the Final Ranking col only after the last game?

    Teams play 8 games and from game 1 to 7 the ranking from top to bottom is based on the following criteria. Teams are ranked according to their win/loss record, if tied the team who have played the lesser number of games ranks ahead, if wins/losses are equal then the lower LSD figure ranks ahead.

    After the final game, rankings are then shown in col R as 1st, 2nd, etc. and are based on W/L, record of results between teams and finally if still tied the LSD and these results would then appear on Page 2.

    I hope I have explained my problem fully and that someone can help or even give me some suggestions.

    Thanking you in anticipation.
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program


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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Many many thanks for your oh so fast reply but if you see my col S you will see that my ranking of the teams with 3 wins does not agree with yours and this is where it's tricky in that if you see the results of the games between tied teams 2, 4 & 7 (3 wins each) you will see that team 2 had 0w, 4 had 1w & 7 had 2w so in this case the LSD is not rquired if you see what I mean and 7 should rank above 4 with 2 at the bottom and your formula therefore doesn't produce the correct result if you follow as it's using the LSD which in this case is not required.

    Where teams are tied it's the results between them that counts and if you see teams 3, 6 & 9 (with 5w each) as they all had 1w between each of the three of them we therefore have to go to the LSD and your formula in this case does work. Also col B shouldn't rank as these are team numbers but that's easy to remove and thanks for the thought, I still have to check that on Page 2 the final ranking only appears after the eighth game as detailed ranking is only really required after the last game as teams haven't played each other as yet. Any further thoughts?
    Last edited by alan_stephen75@; 05-31-2012 at 03:26 PM. Reason: To leave comment

  4. #4
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program


    Done the workbook with the tied.

    Spot on.

    Here the workbook attachment.

    Last edited by micope21; 06-02-2012 at 08:59 PM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Wow, I will have to study this one it looks so complicated, lets see if I can figure it out? Will be in touch once I have figured it all out. Many thanks again Alan

  6. #6
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    I think I can follow your ideas and very clever indeed and I don't know how you managed to do it so quickly, however it doesn't seem to take into account the LSD, if you enter say185 insted of 23.9 into K26 this would increase the LSD total and therefore should make it 2nd rank instead of 1st but it doesn't so there is something not quite right.

    Also I haven't tried it all yet but wondering if there is any way that it would only put the Final Rank number position when it's the last game and leave it empty until then as that the only time it counts and how difficult is it to make it 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. Again many thanks and apologies for making it so difficult. Regards

  7. #7
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Hi Alan

    Sort out for you.
    Rank only come up once finals results put in of the season.


    W or L will do it.
    I have upload sample 2
    Look on C39 to C42
    All 4 teams on 5W and 3L.
    All team play against each other:
    1 SVK 2W 1L
    2 FIN 2W 1L
    3 ITA 1W 2L
    4 GER 1W 2L
    If you look close
    Why SVK TOP? cos SVK beat FIN
    Same with ITA beat GER go 3rd place.
    This will work without LSD.

    How I did it so fast?
    I run 8 ball pool league and Competition.
    I done this 2 year ago. But not W or L.
    That why it didn't take me long to show you how it work.
    If you click on micope21 and look for Visit Homepage.
    This will go to my website.
    page 1 to 12 I put in W or L or 8 ball.
    Rest of the page does it automatic.

    Any problem? let me know.

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  8. #8
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Hi there, what a brilliant website you have great colour scheme, love it puts mine to shame!

    I am not with you as in your last attached file I make the results between FIN, ITA & SVK on 2W 1L each and GER on 0W 3L (you show GER on 1W 2L) who are all on 5W & 3L as you say so if you agree with me then GER is 4th (which is what your rank shows) so we would then have to look at the scores between FIN, ITA & SVK and I make it as they have 1W 1L each you need to go to the LSD to sort them out as they are all equal and the LSD (the lower number the better) would then make it ITA 1st, SVK 2nd & FIN 3rd if you see what I mean.

    So I think the LSD will always be necessary at some time or another and sure as anything it will crop up in some other competion as soon as you have 3 or more teams tied on equal W & L's. Hope you can sort it out as other officials say it can't be done automatically and I would like to prove them wrong. Thanks again for all your efforts, Alan

  9. #9
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Ok leave it with me.
    Yes if 3 team on same W and L?
    Each 3 team beat 1 each then it a tied
    Only problem with LSD small the better might not work. but I will have a good look again.


  10. #10
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    One thing if you did produce a miracle I am not sure but when I said only to put the final ranking on Page 2 in cols QRS I meant that I would have liked that only to appear after the last game but I would have liked all the other info in the other cols to appear after each game/draw so as I can print and distribute this form as the games go along if you follow. In other words the FINAL RANK col would only be filled in after all the games were played but would be blank up until then but teams could see the results after each round. Alan

  11. #11
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program


    Sort it.

    Sorry took long due as I was out most of the day.

    Explain in workbook.

    Let me know this done it?

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  12. #12
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Please don't be sorry it's me that's giving you all this work and I have been playing around with different scores and you seem to have pulled off the impossible, brilliant, didn't think it was possible!

    It's great that the final rankings now don't appear until the last game which is perfect but the program used to rank teams after every game on Page 2 which is the important part as that page is printed and handed out for informationbut but that doesn't happen anymore so is it possible to "rank" the teams on Page 2 on W & L etc as we go along after evry game but leave the final rank on cols QRS 39:47 blank until the last game as at the moment

    But please if you are not sure what I mean please ask me as I don't want to waste anymore of your time also;

    why does a blue background appear sometime?
    What would happen if a tied team is also tied with the same LSD figure? and
    Under my old system I could put in an X against both teams to show that (very occasionally) a game wasn't played is there any way round that?

    Many thanks again Alan

  13. #13
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Hi Alan.

    I was not sure whether you want Rank or number 1 to 9 each week game.
    Only Final Game will come up.
    That sort.

    I have remove blue background and put X in if 3 or more teams end up a tied if
    1 team beat each other.
    That sort.

    Yes but never say impossible. There alway there. Just need find it the right formula and set up plan. All sports do different tied. Never the same. Your workbook was a real test for me. I enjoy doing it. My pool league and your workbook are different in tied.

    Let me know any problem

    Hope you enjoy it.

    Thank you for a star.

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    Last edited by micope21; 06-03-2012 at 05:59 PM.

  14. #14
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    I wish I could put in 10 stars you deserve it for what I thought was impossible.

    Yes just about there now and if I understand you correctly I would much prefer B9-26 to stay at 1 to 9 until the last game as before.
    Col R9-26 looks good but it is not necessary as the ranking gets all sorted out anyway so I don't need to see who the tied teams are.
    At the start when the grid is empty with no data the ## sign comes up so I guess I can put in if """,""", before your formulas to show if empty keep cell blank as it looks better.
    Sometimes where 2 or more teams cannot qualify for the semi finals they will decide not play and I would like to be able put in an x against both teams instead of a W or L but this complicates your formulas especially as there will not be 72 games, can you change this?

    If you are not sure what I mean please ask me! Alan

  15. #15
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Hi Alan

    That no problem with 1 to 9.
    X for tied just delete R9 to R26.
    Yeah put If in if all grid cell empty.

    Just to be clear if I got it right.
    Once final game. Then you need to put a X grid if teams not Qualify for semi final?
    You tell the team say JPN. you not Qualify for semi final and team don't want to carry on finish 1 to 3 game to finish group table. You want to put in X instead W or L? Rest of the JPN match in grid had play stay in W or L?
    It that right?


  16. #16
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Thanks again for the changes but no it can happen that 2 teams or more might not have won a game and decide that as they can't qualify for the semies they might not bother playing, it's unusual but can happen, so they could pull out of the competition at a late stage so what I have done in other programs is that if an "X" appears against both teams instead of a W or L then it's game not played but they still appear in the ranking list but with 1 or more games less if you get my meaning in other words the program recognises either a W,L or X but the X just means a game less but the team is still listed and ranked until the end.

    Hope that is clear. Alan

  17. #17
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program


    Have a look on sample 3 file.

    What I done with is -Countif with X on M9 to M26.
    This will bring it down to 70 or less instead stay on 72.

    Column results Z and AA I put in if with ISNA.
    Reason When Grid all blank get N/A on it. This will change to blank instead N/A.

    Let me know if done it or not?

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  18. #18
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Thanks again that seems to have solved it, excellent.

    But I attach your last file and and I have put 5 teams on 4W as a test and if you look I think there is an error in the ranking as I think GER and SUI are the wrong way round as GER beat SUI and the LSD doesn't come in to it and I think should rank ahead of them, have a look and see what you think. Alan
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  19. #19
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Ok no problem.

    Will look in to it and get back to you.


  20. #20
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Hi Alan

    I spent good hour Look at it.

    LSD is a problem with lower score. I change to high score LSD and it work.
    I don't know whether this what you want with High LSD score?

    Like I say before. It not easy with W or L with tied.

    Only way to improvement it put in score as results like JPN beat SUI 7-5.
    This will solved the problem rather just a W or L.

    Let me know what you want to do whether to put in score or not?
    Use high LSD score?

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  21. #21
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Sorry to be slow in coming back to you but the forum didn't email me to say you had replied as it normally does so I thought you were still working on it.

    Not quite sure what you mean but I think you are saying that your program can be adapted to either rank tied teams where a "head to head W or L" result will decide or if it is an LSD (a low number must always be best) that decides but it cannot be mad to do both.

    Putting in the score is not something I would like to do as actual scores don't really matter only W & L as a game is always played on until we get a result and an LSD (last stone draw) is only taken at the beginning of each game in case at the end of the competition team are tied on W & L and can be used but only as a final decider if there is no other way to "break" more than 3 tied teams.

    So I can't think of where we go from here so does anything I have said make any difference?

  22. #22
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    It okay. It can happen something. But I did find it strange why no reply.
    No worry.

    Here the sample the score I put in and it spot on without any problem at all.

    If you think it better. Then I will work on X again cos it become #VALUE! when you put in X

    But first have a look? Then let me know what you think okay.

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    Last edited by micope21; 06-09-2012 at 04:45 PM.

  23. #23
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    I now see what you mean by putting in the actual scores but unfortunately we always use W & L in our results grids as this type of template is used for different competitions involving anything from 6 to 12 teams and so it doesn't look correct when you have a number in your new grid as at first glance you can't look along a row and just see how many Wins or Losses if you see what I mean in other words this grid will be used by a number of different umpires and they are going to say to me it's not what we are used to.

    I do understand that it's easier for you to design a system using scores and what a tremendous lot of work you have put into this latest sample but no unfortunately it's not quite right yet, so sorry and this time I did get an email. Alan

  24. #24
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    I attach another program that we used to use and you will see that 1 = W & 0 = L although we much prefer W & L but wonder if it might give you some other ideas?

    You will also see that it's a partly automatic by the use of deleting the x's to "reveal the" tied teams but it does not have Page 2 but that could be added, is there anything in there that could give you other ideas? Alan

    Edited: Sorry it does have a page 2 and I only meant to use the Ranking Results Grid
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    Last edited by alan_stephen75@; 06-10-2012 at 06:28 AM. Reason: Corrected error

  25. #25
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program


    I'm out at the moment and I'm using my mobile.

    I think I got a idea after thinking how to solved W and L.

    Will work on later.


  26. #26
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Hi Alan

    Thank for file. It won't make any different whether 1 vs 0 will work cos it still 5 teams on 4.
    Still have problem as we got now.

    I come up with idea.

    When the final Rank come up.
    If no X come up mean spot on final rank
    If X come up n S9 to S26. Then you need to double check whether final rank is spot on or not.

    If not spot on. R column you just put in a 1 that will change to correct Final Rank.

    This is only way it will work with a W or L.
    Unless the score need put in.

    Have a look at v8 workbook?

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  27. #27
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Many thanks, let me have a good look at it and I will get back to you. Alan

  28. #28
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Thanks again for your clever idea and sorry to be slow in coming back to you but it is starting to get a bit too complicated and I don't think it is worth it going down this route

    In an earlier file (V7?) you put in actual scores and I think you said that worked apart, from x = #value, so I wondered if instead of saying JPN beat SUI 7-5 why can't we put in JPN 1 SUI 0 as I said earlier in other words a 1=W & 0=loss which is the same thing as putting in the score, would that work?

    I will try that out in the next few hours by changing scores in V7 to 1 or 0 and see what happens and upload it to you if you think this might work. Please let me know what you think. Alan

  29. #29
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Hi Alan

    Not a problem. I rather see you happy with workbook.

    It won't make any different even you put in 1 vs 0!!!
    As W vs L does count as 1 vs 0 or -1 what you got with v2 to v6.

    There is no other way. I have look clear with workbook. It the same problem I had in the past when I first starting doing tied break.
    I have come up with my last idea.

    Lookin back what you say with this forum. You want see W or L in grid!
    What I done put in other grid for W or L.

    This time you put in score other grid will come up automatic W or L.
    I have sort the X out too. There no ~VALUE! or anything. That done.

    Have a look and see what I done. This is a last idea. I can't think anything else with W or L same as 1 for W L for O without the score.

    Workbook v8
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  30. #30
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    OK I think you have gone as far as you can to automate the process and I would thank you very much for the incredible amount of work you have put into trying to solve this problem and I will now mark it as solved and perhaps I might be able to contact you for help in the future. Regards

  31. #31
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    Re: Help to automate ranking of tied teams in sports scoring program

    Quote Originally Posted by alan_stephen75@ View Post
    OK I think you have gone as far as you can to automate the process and I would thank you very much for the incredible amount of work you have put into trying to solve this problem and I will now mark it as solved and perhaps I might be able to contact you for help in the future. Regards
    You are welcome! You know where to find me.

    Take care.
    Last edited by micope21; 06-11-2012 at 02:29 PM.

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