Hi there, what a brilliant website you have great colour scheme, love it puts mine to shame!
I am not with you as in your last attached file I make the results between FIN, ITA & SVK on 2W 1L each and GER on 0W 3L (you show GER on 1W 2L) who are all on 5W & 3L as you say so if you agree with me then GER is 4th (which is what your rank shows) so we would then have to look at the scores between FIN, ITA & SVK and I make it as they have 1W 1L each you need to go to the LSD to sort them out as they are all equal and the LSD (the lower number the better) would then make it ITA 1st, SVK 2nd & FIN 3rd if you see what I mean.
So I think the LSD will always be necessary at some time or another and sure as anything it will crop up in some other competion as soon as you have 3 or more teams tied on equal W & L's. Hope you can sort it out as other officials say it can't be done automatically and I would like to prove them wrong. Thanks again for all your efforts, Alan