Many many thanks for your oh so fast reply but if you see my col S you will see that my ranking of the teams with 3 wins does not agree with yours and this is where it's tricky in that if you see the results of the games between tied teams 2, 4 & 7 (3 wins each) you will see that team 2 had 0w, 4 had 1w & 7 had 2w so in this case the LSD is not rquired if you see what I mean and 7 should rank above 4 with 2 at the bottom and your formula therefore doesn't produce the correct result if you follow as it's using the LSD which in this case is not required.
Where teams are tied it's the results between them that counts and if you see teams 3, 6 & 9 (with 5w each) as they all had 1w between each of the three of them we therefore have to go to the LSD and your formula in this case does work. Also col B shouldn't rank as these are team numbers but that's easy to remove and thanks for the thought, I still have to check that on Page 2 the final ranking only appears after the eighth game as detailed ranking is only really required after the last game as teams haven't played each other as yet. Any further thoughts?