I have a very complicated formula that I'm trying to write that has been stumping me for hours.
I have a spreadsheet for project management wherein I'm trying to count up the number of participants who have completed X milestone in the program. I have a "counting" sheet with 1's under each heading they've accomplished. Counting up each heading is easy - only some of the counts I'm looking for are dependent on other counts.
For example, I can only count the 1 in column D if there is ALSO a 1 in column A.
On top of that, this spreadsheet is frequently Filtered and re-sorted.
On another sheet is an "outcomes" chart. I need to find a formula that does the following:
- Looks at Column A in the "counting" sheet; wherever there is a value of "1" in that column, look one cell to the right at column B (because this spreadsheet gets re-sorted, it really can't be dependent on cell number)
- Total up ALL of the "1"s in column B ONLY where there is also a "1" in Column A (I'm looking for a counted/summed total)
I'm new to nesting formulas and have tried V/HLOOKUPs and OFFSETs stacked with IFs, but am too much of a novice to figure this one out. I'm certainly not looking for this work to be done for me, but if anyone even has suggestions for things to try, it would be greatly appreciated.