Hey people,
I am massively confused. I have been searching this forum and others for answers, and this has left me even more confused. I need the warm reassurance that only a personalised reply can provide! Excel is pretty much a complete mystery to me and the spreadsheet I have put together has been made entirely from following guidance on the net.
I am putting together a grade book. What I need is for the average marks of say two tests to be calculated into a percentage - using the marks achieved by the students divided by the maximum marks available. If the cell is blank (i.e. the student was absent for the assessment) I want that to be ignored in the calculation. Getting 15 out of 20 in one test and being absent for the other would therefore produce an average of 75%, for example.
The formula I have tried using is: =SUM(O3:P3) / (SUM(O$1:P$1) - COUNTIF(O3:P3,"<0")) where O3 and P3 are the marks achieved by the student and O1 and P1 are the maximum marks possible. It isn't working though and is still counting blank cells as zero and skewing the average. What exactly am I doing wrong?
All help very gratefully received!
Oh, I will attach the spreadsheet in its current form (I am using Excel for Mac 2011). The formula above relates to column I ("Reading Score), taking marks from columns O and P ("RA1" and "RA2").