I have a problem where I am trying to use linear programming (and the solver in excel) to help me create a bid form.

In this bid, we have a service code that is performed various times in a year. I am looking for excel to help me find the lowest cost for that service code (subject to constraints) that in combination will produce the maximum revenue.

To further demonstrate, I have a set of the following:

McodePrice1 (service code) * frequency1 = revenue1
McodePrice2 * frequency2 = revenue2
mcodePriceX * frequencyX - revenueX

McodePrice 1 cannot exceed $25 and cannot be lower than $1
McodePrice 2 cannot exceed $24 and cannot be lower than $1
McodePrice X cannot exceed $a and cannot be lower than $b

I am looking to maximize the aggregate revenue of revenues 1-X while minimizing each McodePrice 1-X.

Any help is greatly appreciated!