I am having issues with the code shown below.
=INDEX(G2:G100,INDEX(F$2:F$100,MATCH(LARGE(IF(F$2:F$100<>"",IF(MATCH(F$2:F$100,F$2:F$100,0)=ROW(F$2:F$100)-ROW(F$2)+1,SUMIF(F$2:F$100,F$2:F$100,E$2:E$100))),ROWS(N$2:N2)), (COUNTIF(N$1:N1,F$2:F$100)=0)*SUMIF(F$2:F$100,F$2:F$100,E$2:E$100),0)))
My problem is being able to use the original data (user input data) and transforming to show:
- The three fruits with the highest quantities to display the name of the most frequent to least frequent defects. The defects may be unique to a particular fruit but the excel file is just an example. So the constraints would be: to formulate and rank the defects using the original data (no referencing by adding additional tables)
- Display quantity of defects for each defect for the three fruits with highest quantities; the frequencies will always be listed from largest to smallest but the list order of defects may vary depending on their frequency (cells $R$1:$X$20)
Other criteria is that more data will always be added to the original data. It is semi-dynamic. The limit has never gone over 500 rows.