Hello, I am new to Excel. In the Reference Function chapter (Vlookup,Hlookup, etc), there's a question which I have attached here.
Pls help me .
Hello, I am new to Excel. In the Reference Function chapter (Vlookup,Hlookup, etc), there's a question which I have attached here.
Pls help me .
Try this in C18:
=SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A$12=A18)*($B$2:$B$12=B18),$C$2:$C$12) and copy down.
S?ren Larsen
"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Give a man a fishing rod, and he'll steal your yacht!"
Hello Soren, is there any way that the above problem cud be solved using Vlookup ?
Firstly; go with Cutter's solution. It's better than my =SUMPRODUCT() alternative.
Secondly, with regards to using =VLOOKUP(), I guess it would be possible. But it would be a bit more complicated than is nescessary, since you have two criteria that need to be fulfilled. I don't see any reason why you wouldn't use =SUMIFS(), but perhaps I'm missing something?
Duplicate post: http://www.excelforum.com/hello-intr...matically.html
The above is in Introductory section - so just to let everyone know that responses MAY be made there.
Last edited by Cutter; 05-20-2012 at 01:13 PM.
It can be solved with SUMIFS() (because there are no duplicate combinations)
Hi Somali,
If you need vlookup solution, you can use below one for year:-
and below one for value:-
Note:- If you have multiple results to be obtained... vlookup will pick up the upper one.. thanks.
<click on below 'star' if this helps>
DILIPandey, Excel rMVP
+919810929744 (India), +971528225509 (Dubai), dilipandey@gmail.com
Dilip thanx for ur reply, but Vlookup format u suggested isnot serving the purpose.
I think it might be a requirement of the assignment.
Yes Cutter, u r right. We have not yet been taught the functions like ' SUMIFS' and 'SUMPRODUCT' .
The assignment has been given under Lookup and Reference Functions Topic.
The way I would do it then, would be to create a "helper" column in the original data, and then in the lookup function use concatenate, but it could probably be done more elegantly.
Okay Somali... share your purpose i.e., type the results manually which you want to see and I'll try to get them using formulas.. thanks.
<click on below 'star' if this helps>
Hi Dilip, The following is my requirement: A function has to be inserted in $C$18 so that ...
If I type ' Office ' in $A$18 and I type ' 2003 ' in $B$18, then $C$18 will automatically dispaly ' 6700 '.
Again, If I type ' Office ' in $A$18 and I type ' 2007 ' in $B$18, then $C$18 will automatically display ' 9000 ' .
The SUMIFS() function suggested by Cutter is working absolutely fine, but we have so far covered the following functions-
Last edited by somali.cc; 05-21-2012 at 04:55 AM.
Hi Somali,
use the below function :-
See the attachment :-
<click on below 'star' if this helps>
I think you're missing the point here. This is homework and OP can't use a formula that hasn't been taught yet. I wouldn't have posted a solution had I realized at the time that it was homework.
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