Hello, I am new to Excel. In the Reference Function chapter (Vlookup,Hlookup, etc), there's a question which I have attached here.
Pls help me .
Hello, I am new to Excel. In the Reference Function chapter (Vlookup,Hlookup, etc), there's a question which I have attached here.
Pls help me .
Try this in C18:
=SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A$12=A18)*($B$2:$B$12=B18),$C$2:$C$12) and copy down.
S?ren Larsen
"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Give a man a fishing rod, and he'll steal your yacht!"
Duplicate post: http://www.excelforum.com/hello-intr...matically.html
The above is in Introductory section - so just to let everyone know that responses MAY be made there.
Last edited by Cutter; 05-20-2012 at 01:13 PM.
Hello Soren, is there any way that the above problem cud be solved using Vlookup ?
It can be solved with SUMIFS() (because there are no duplicate combinations)
Hi Somali,
If you need vlookup solution, you can use below one for year:-
and below one for value:-
Note:- If you have multiple results to be obtained... vlookup will pick up the upper one.. thanks.
<click on below 'star' if this helps>
DILIPandey, Excel rMVP
+919810929744 (India), +971528225509 (Dubai), dilipandey@gmail.com
Firstly; go with Cutter's solution. It's better than my =SUMPRODUCT() alternative.
Secondly, with regards to using =VLOOKUP(), I guess it would be possible. But it would be a bit more complicated than is nescessary, since you have two criteria that need to be fulfilled. I don't see any reason why you wouldn't use =SUMIFS(), but perhaps I'm missing something?
I think it might be a requirement of the assignment.
Yes Cutter, u r right. We have not yet been taught the functions like ' SUMIFS' and 'SUMPRODUCT' .
The assignment has been given under Lookup and Reference Functions Topic.
The way I would do it then, would be to create a "helper" column in the original data, and then in the lookup function use concatenate, but it could probably be done more elegantly.
Dilip thanx for ur reply, but Vlookup format u suggested isnot serving the purpose.
Okay Somali... share your purpose i.e., type the results manually which you want to see and I'll try to get them using formulas.. thanks.
<click on below 'star' if this helps>
Hi Dilip, The following is my requirement: A function has to be inserted in $C$18 so that ...
If I type ' Office ' in $A$18 and I type ' 2003 ' in $B$18, then $C$18 will automatically dispaly ' 6700 '.
Again, If I type ' Office ' in $A$18 and I type ' 2007 ' in $B$18, then $C$18 will automatically display ' 9000 ' .
The SUMIFS() function suggested by Cutter is working absolutely fine, but we have so far covered the following functions-
Last edited by somali.cc; 05-21-2012 at 04:55 AM.
Hi Somali,
use the below function :-
See the attachment :-
<click on below 'star' if this helps>
I think you're missing the point here. This is homework and OP can't use a formula that hasn't been taught yet. I wouldn't have posted a solution had I realized at the time that it was homework.
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