Formula which can calculate how many days in a month and create a column for each day. Columns for day 28, 29, 30 or 31 also need the formulas in columns 1 to 27 copied over automatically. [sheet name “LARSheet1 to 12” ]
I’m trying to build a “Leave, Attendance Management” system using Excel”. I am about 40% there so far.
I have a few problems to tackle which I will post in separate treads and link them back to together; so others can hopefully learn from the help I receive (and my mistakes):
The basic structure of the workbook is as follows:
12x main monthly ‘Leave Attendance Record’ worksheets (i.emonths April 2012 through to March 2013). [I will refer to these sheets asLARSheet1 to LARSheet12 ].
1 x worksheet which holds ‘data validation’ list andvlook up info. [“FormulaListSheet”]
1 x worksheet acting as a database of staff details andpay numbers. [“StaffdBaseSheet”]
1 x summary page which shows staff reaming leaveallocation. [“SummaryLeaveSheet”]
What I’m having problems with at the moment is as follows:
A formula or a macro which works out how many days are present in a given month [starting date of month located in CELL B10].
Days 1-27 will be already set up on the sheet. Based upon the monthly value I would like a solution which can calculate how many days are in a month and create a column for days 28, 29, 30 or 31 (depending on the month).
Hopefully I would like it to work like this:
When the user opens a new worksheet, they first entre the month start date in CELL B10. Hopefully this will trigger columns E13:AH22 to update with the relevant week day & date.
I also need the formulas and formatting in cells AH13:AH100 (column for day 27) to copied over automatically.
Can anyone help? Cheers moshjosh!
Sample of sheet setup:
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This is a multi-part project which is collectively known as “Leave, Attendance Management” system using Excel”. . Other parts are found on other treads. I hope to link the thread solutions together so others who wish to do a similar task can hopefully learn from help I receive (and my mistakes).
The other parts of the system are:
‘Leave attendance record’ (this thread) worksheets (i.e months April 2012 through to March 2013). [I will refer to these sheets as "LARSheet1" to "LARSheet12"].
‘Data validation’ worksheet which holds list and vlook-up info for formulas. [I will refer to these sheet “FormulaListSheet” ].
‘Database’ worksheet acting as a of staff details database. [ “StaffdBaseSheet”].
‘Summary reaming leave’ page which shows a summary of staff used leave and calculates reaming leave allocation. [ “SummaryLeaveSheet” ]