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Formula which can calculate how many days in a month and create a column for each day

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moshjosh Formula which can calculate... 05-18-2012, 02:04 PM
moshjosh Re: Formula which can... 12-09-2012, 06:01 PM
  1. #1
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    Formula which can calculate how many days in a month and create a column for each day

    Formula which can calculate how many days in a month and create a column for each day. Columns for day 28, 29, 30 or 31 also need the formulas in columns 1 to 27 copied over automatically. [sheet name “LARSheet1 to 12” ]

    I’m trying to build a “Leave, Attendance Management” system using Excel”. I am about 40% there so far.

    I have a few problems to tackle which I will post in separate treads and link them back to together; so others can hopefully learn from the help I receive (and my mistakes):

    The basic structure of the workbook is as follows:

    12x main monthly ‘Leave Attendance Record’ worksheets (i.emonths April 2012 through to March 2013). [I will refer to these sheets asLARSheet1 to LARSheet12 ].
    1 x worksheet which holds ‘data validation’ list andvlook up info. [“FormulaListSheet”]
    1 x worksheet acting as a database of staff details andpay numbers. [“StaffdBaseSheet”]
    1 x summary page which shows staff reaming leaveallocation. [“SummaryLeaveSheet”]

    What I’m having problems with at the moment is as follows:

    A formula or a macro which works out how many days are present in a given month [starting date of month located in CELL B10].
    Days 1-27 will be already set up on the sheet. Based upon the monthly value I would like a solution which can calculate how many days are in a month and create a column for days 28, 29, 30 or 31 (depending on the month).

    Hopefully I would like it to work like this:

    When the user opens a new worksheet, they first entre the month start date in CELL B10. Hopefully this will trigger columns E13:AH22 to update with the relevant week day & date.

    I also need the formulas and formatting in cells AH13:AH100 (column for day 27) to copied over automatically.

    Can anyone help? Cheers moshjosh!

    Sample of sheet setup:


    ===== ======== ====== ======== ====== ============= ========== ============ ============ ===== ========= =======

    This is a multi-part project which is collectively known as “Leave, Attendance Management” system using Excel”. . Other parts are found on other treads. I hope to link the thread solutions together so others who wish to do a similar task can hopefully learn from help I receive (and my mistakes).

    The other parts of the system are:

    ‘Leave attendance record’ (this thread) worksheets (i.e months April 2012 through to March 2013). [I will refer to these sheets as "LARSheet1" to "LARSheet12"].

    ‘Data validation’ worksheet which holds list and vlook-up info for formulas. [I will refer to these sheet “FormulaListSheet” ].

    ‘Database’ worksheet acting as a of staff details database. [ “StaffdBaseSheet”].

    ‘Summary reaming leave’ page which shows a summary of staff used leave and calculates reaming leave allocation. [ “SummaryLeaveSheet” ] http://www.excelforum.com/excel-gene...worksheet.html
    Last edited by moshjosh; 05-18-2012 at 02:50 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Formula which can calculate how many days in a month and create a column for each day

    A year and two months later and I am happy to say I have built my long slaved over LMS using excel formulas, the new excel table feature in Excel 2010 and VBA. If anyone is interested in seeing my solution (Slightly different than above but works just the same), send me a forum message with a bit of a blurb about what you need and I will be happy to share my solution. It would be too long to post as a tread.

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