I'm very ignorant when it comes to getting excel to do more than add and change cell colors. I have multiple aircraft that all require weight and balance charts. Each aircraft has 5 potential equipment configurations and i want to have a separate chart for each configuration. I already have a workbook built containing 7 sheets. Sheet 1 will be the main page and all the rest of the sheets will be for weight and balance configs based on hardware installed. i would like to be able to fill in the column on the main page (22 cells for each entry) and have a column at the end of each column with a drop down to select which configuration the aircraft is in at that moment and have the drop downs titled the same as each sheet. Once selected i would like the column to auto populate based on selection. Also is it possible for it to autofill the next column down each time a weight and balance is plugged in on the main page??? if necessary i can post what I'm trying to work with if it will help.