Thanks Vandan,
It works fine. But I have more issues. I'm teaching abacus and I think of generating sums in excel. My task is
imagine I want in cell A1=randbetween(1,9). This i can create. The problem is with Cell A2. Condition in A2 is
If(A1=9), I must have randbetween(-9,-1) or a number from the list (-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1)
If(A1=8), I must have randbetween(-8,1)except 0,-4 or a number from the list (-8,-7,-6,-5,-3,-2,-1,1)
If(A1=7), I must have randbetween(-7,2)except 0,-4,-3 or a number from the list (-7,-6,-5,-2,-1,1,2)
If(A1=6), I must have randbetween(-6,3)except 0,-4,-3,-2 or a number from the list (-6,-5,-1,1,2,3)
If(A1=5), I must have randbetween(-5,4)except 0,-4,-3,-2,-1 or a number from the list (-5,1,2,3,4)
If(A1=4), I must have randbetween(-4,5)except 0,1,2,3,4 or a number from the list (-4,-3,-2,-1,5)
If(A1=3), I must have randbetween(-3,6)except 0,2,3,4 or a number from the list (-3,-2,-1,1,5,6)
If(A1=2), I must have randbetween(-2,7)except 0,3,4 or a number from the list (-2,-1,1,2,5,6,7)
If(A1=1), I must have randbetween(-1,8)except 0,4 or a number from the list (-1,1,2,3,5,6,7,8)
Any help would be of great help to me!